Air fryer vs Deep Fryer Which One is Best for You

Air Fryer vs Deep Fryer: Which One is Best for You?

Tips and Guides Cookware

Munching on crunchy chicken nuggets is a heavenly feeling! But, its excess oil may make you feel guilty. However, you can make a healthy version of it with an air fryer because it’s the bright side of an air fryer. But if you like the authentic taste of deep-fried items more than a healthy diet, a deep fryer is your solution. In this article, we will make a comparison of Air Fryer vs Deep Fryer. 

What’s an Air Fryer? 

First, let’s talk about what the Air Fryer is. The air fryer is an efficient and healthy innovation indeed. But have you ever thought about how it really works? Air fryers mainly produce high-heated air for cooking your food. Thus, its hot air gives a deliciously crispy outer crust to your french fries, mozzarella sticks, and chicken wings. 

What’s a Deep Fryer? 

One of the most traditional culinary methods of making crispy fries is frying them in a deep layer of oil. Whether it’s russet potato wedges or calamari, you can fry it in a deep fryer to get crunchy outside and trap the moisture inside. It also comes with a basket to place your food items and submerge them into hot bubbling oil. Thus, it takes out all the existing water and moisture from the outer layer of chicken or salmon.

Air Fryer vs Deep Fryer


When it comes to ensuring the authentic taste of fried dishes like crunchy french fries or tacos, you’ll always reach for a deep fryer. In contrast, it’s no surprise that air fryers also offer a crispy outside the way deep fryer does with almost no oil. However, some food comes with extra dryness from air fryers like zucchini fries or spring rolls. Hence, in the case of traditional taste, you may want to prioritize a deep fryer.

Health Benefits

In terms of having healthy fried items without compromising taste, an air fryer is an amazing invention. For example, you can make healthy yet delicious donuts or crispy shrimp tempura without a single drop of oil. On the other hand, a deep fryer requires saturated oil to give a crispy exterior to your falafel or fried tofu. Plus, it mainly cooks your food with hot oil from the inner layers. As a result, your fried food will be oily and greasy unless you absorb them with kitchen towels. Therefore, if you want a healthy option for your favorite fried items, the air fryer can be your ultimate pick.


Both air and deep fryer are designed for fried dishes like chips or fritters. But, unlike the deep fryer, the air fryer is multifunctional. Meaning, that along with crispy fried squash, you can also make muffins, cookies, roasted chicken, beef steak, and many more. On the contrary, a deep fryer is purely designed for only deep frying to get a crispy outer crust.


Unless you choose a premium and professional-grade deep fryer, it’s always more cost-effective than an air fryer. But the reason behind the high price of an air fryer is its multi-cooking features, including baking, roasting, and grilling. In contrast, deep fryers are for only frying purposes. So, based on your preference, you need to make your investment.

Final Verdict 

Overall, both kinds of fryers have particular importance based on your choice regarding health, taste, and performance. Hence, an air fryer is a healthier and more versatile option when it comes to making oil-free yet crispy french fries, buffalo wings, and more. However, in frying classic french fries or crunchy croquettes with their traditional taste and delicacy, nothing can beat a deep fryer!

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